from the
SATOR Square
This SATOR Square has a lot of surprises in store for us. As we have seen that it is indeed a Latin Christian inscription, it also gives us a clue, even a wise advice, in the field of prayer and adoration to God.
Thus this inscription speaks to us, as God speaks to us... Who wants us to respond to him as well.
But how can we speak to God, how can we address him in prayer, since he is the Trinity? and how can we praise him if he is composed of three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? to whom then of the three can we address, to whom then of the three can we glorify?
This SATOR Square gives us a clear answer on this subject, in accordance besides with the message of the Bible.
Let us briefly recall the three levels of reading that can be found in this inscription:
1) The reading at the first level of the inscription is its reading proper, without modification of the order of the letters, following the lines, one after the other, from the first word: SATOR, the sower.
2) On the other hand, the reading PATER NOSTER, our Father, is, so to speak, the reading in the second degree: taking the letters out of their order and reassembling them so that they have a meaning and necessarily a new meaning.
3) Finally, the reading at the third degree, that is to say, this time taking the letters here and there, we discover this new reading, the ASTRO reading, the star, the constellation.
Thus, we find three reading modes: SATOR, PATER NOSTER and ASTRO readings in a single entry. Thus we find the very essence of our Triune God, who is three in one! This is why the SATOR Square has been represented as a cube in the presentation photo of the article: three spatial dimensions (length, width and depth) for a single object. We had also discovered that you have to know how to analyse the trio of doubled letters of the inscription (E-N-E) in order to be able to read and interpret the text of its message correctly.
That the SATOR Square therefore wishes to give us advice on prayer and adoration to the Triune God is obvious, since the PATER NOSTER reading is precisely that of the prayer that Jesus taught to us.
We have seen that these three levels of reading present a progression that goes, in a way, from the most obvious to the least obvious, from the most visible to the least visible:
1. SATOR: the first word of the inscription clearly indicates which person to discover and follow. We have realized that it is Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15). In order to know God, it is obvious that one must first recognize his appearance in History and appreciate his work among men and for men. In SATOR, therefore, we have a precise point in space and time in the person of the Son of Man.
2. PATER NOSTER, then, is a little less obvious to discover. But if we have taken the first step to recognize the person of SATOR, SATOR himself has presented his Father as ours and he truly continues to wish that he is also ours. If we discover who the Son is, it is impossible not to discover who the Father is.
3. Finally ASTRO is the least obvious to discover. But he is perhaps the most precious, because, like the star, he guides, leads, directs and encourages the one who follows him in the night. It is an image to describe the Spirit, the Holy Spirit (1) who gives life, who enlightens the believer interiorly and supports him in his walk in this world made dark by the evil that reigns there. The ASTRO reading is not so visible at first glance: it cost us a little to discover it in this inscription. But we are no exception to the rule: first the earthly, then the spiritual. Thus, the Holy Spirit is very discreet but essential, since he is very present.
So, who should we turn to? If we follow the levels of reading of the SATOR Square, we can relatively easily find the answer: to God (as Father), recognizing first His work (through Jesus Christ), and being true and sincere in our inner self (i.e. in our spirit).
Thus, in recognizing the lordship of SATOR (of the risen Christ), it is easy to address PATER NOSTER (our God and Father, our heavenly Father). It is therefore permissible and advisable to adore, elevate and glorify both the Son and the Father... but not the Holy Spirit! (2)
In fact, since ASTRO always wants to be discreet, since it appears as a watermark in the text, we take this principle as an advice not to glorify him as such, something that would certainly displease him greatly.
In other words, we would say that the advice of the SATOR Square is not to pray directly and audibly to the Holy Spirit (calling Him «Lord Spirit!», for example), nor to elevate Him, worship Him, or even glorify Him as such (e.g. by saying «Glory be to the Holy Spirit!»).
This can be summed up as follows: it is better to pray in spirit, but not to pray to the Spirit.
In fact, since the Holy Spirit has a name: Jesus Christ (3), it is not necessary to glorify the Holy Spirit as such, only for himself, without mentioning his name, but it is better - if we have understood correctly - to glorify God in our spirit, invoking precisely this beautiful name of Jesus, as the only intermediary between God and men.
This is, to our knowledge, the message that the SATOR Square wants to convey to us here, through its three levels of reading.
Finally, we could also illustrate this message with the following image, if it could help us understand it even better, since it is the recipient that we appreciate and not the means of communication used: «Use your smartphone, but don't love it». And so also, «Use your spirit, but don't adore the Spirit!» (4).
In the same way that God speaks to men through the message of this inscription, we discover that he also likes his interlocutors to speak to him, praising and adoring him (both for what he does and for what he is).
But to whom should we turn if God is Triune: the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit?
The SATOR Square gives us a simple answer, an answer that is not different from the one proposed in the Book of Books.
Indeed, thanks to the 3 different levels of reading (SATOR - PATER NOSTER - ASTRO), which goes from the most obvious to the least obvious, from the most visible to the least visible, we find there a way to differentiate the 3 persons of the Trinity - the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit -, persons who each have their own function within the Trio.
There is therefore a logical order, not only between the 3 Persons, but also in the way of worshipping them. We have discovered that true prayer is that which is centered on Christ, for the glory of the Father, and realized in the inner depths of man (that is, in our spirit which communicates with the Holy Spirit, being one with him).
The advice given by this inscription, it seems to us, is to encourage us to address ourselves to the living God, to the One who lives and is Life, to the risen Christ. By doing so in this way, we are simply honouring God.
Finally, since ASTRO (representing the Holy Spirit) only appears as a filigree in the inscription, we have deduced that in the age in which we live, it is not advisable to glorify the Holy Spirit as such.
Thus, following the injunctions of the SATOR Square, we can conclude with these words: «Our Father, who is in heaven, let your name (Jesus Christ) be glorified...»
... your kingdom come!
Olivier Perret
1. Star and spirit are often closely related in the
Bible, as for example in Revelation 3:1 This is what the one who has the seven spirits of God and the seven
stars says. And Revelation 1:20
which explains: The seven stars are the
angels (messengers, ambassadors of God, spirits) of the seven churches. Indeed, Hebrews 1:13-14, for example, shows that angels are spirits in the service of God and Revelation 22:6 that the God
of spirits sent his angel.
Thus ASTRO, the Star, can also represent the Holy Spirit. In his function, ASTRO is the Holy Spirit. In his person, he can also represent Christ. See the following article in this blog: .
N.B. Let us not confuse the Spirit of God (written with a capital E) with the spirit of man (written with a lower case E). If God is Spirit (John 4:24), man, for his part, also has a spirit, being composed of three parts: body, soul and spirit (1 Thess. 5:23). The body to have contact with the external world through its 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell), the soul to have contact with the psychic world (thought, will, feelings and emotions). The spirit, the deepest part of man, finally allows him to come into contact with the spiritual world (through consciousness, intuition and communion). On this theme, see in particular Watchman Nee, The Spiritual Man ( ).
2. To say: «Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!» is not biblical. We will explain why. First of all, it must be made clear, as we saw in the previous note, that the words angel and spirit are often synonymous, since an angel is a spiritual being who can communicate with man. To say: «Glory to the Spirit!» therefore means to adore an angel, to adore the Angel. In the Bible we see that all the angels of God, as well as the angel of God himself, have always refused to be worshipped. That the angels of God refuse all kinds of worship is shown in Revelation 19:9-10. Let us look at John's own experience with the angel who is an image of the spirit:
And the angel (spirit) said to me, Write, 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These words are the true words of God. And I fell down at his feet to worship him; but he said unto me, Take heed lest thou do so ! I am your fellow servant and that of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! -For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
And Revelation 22:8-9 confirms it: I John heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down at the feet of the angel (of the spirit) who showed them to me, to worship him. But he said to me, Don't do that! I am your fellow servant, and that of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!
This warning is all the more solemn in that it is repeated twice (*), and is also found at the end of the whole Bible, the revealed Word. It is therefore forbidden to worship the spirit (the Spirit, the Holy Spirit).
(*) The repetition in Revelation (19:10 and 22:8-9) of the command: Worship God! means as well: Do not worship the spirit (the Spirit)! This is a warning with a serious admonition. Concerning the importance of the double mention of a statement in the Bible, it is interesting to read the comment of my article, note 9 .
And there are also many other examples in the Old Testament where the angels of God refuse to be worshipped. See for example: Jacob's experience in Peniel (Genesis 32:24-30), Gideon's (Judges 6:11-24), Manoah's (Judges 13:16), etc.
Even Moses did not worship the spirit that appeared to him in the burning bush: he only took off his sandals (Exodus 3:5 and Acts 7:30), as did Joshua before the angel (Joshua 5:13-15).
So, there is no exception: the angels of God always refuse to be adored. As the angel is a figure of the spirit, according to what we have already seen in the previous note, it is easy to understand that the Spirit - the Holy Spirit - also refuses to be worshipped. You can say: Glory to God and to the Lamb!, or more precisely: Glory to the Father and glory to the Son!, but never: Glory to the Spirit! (see, for example, Revelation 5:13; 7:10, Jude 25, etc.).
Indeed, in the spiritual realm, it is better to be very careful. It is very important to know to whom one addresses and whom one praises, because if there is a spirit that accepts adoration without raising eyebrows, it is the devil himself or its own subordinates (fallen angels or demons)... (see especially the temptation of Jesus by the devil: Matthew 4:8-9, etc.).
N.B. Finally, to be complete, we must also mention Ezequiel 37 where the prophet of the same name receives God's command to command the Spirit (see especially v. 9). It is normal for the spirit of man to address the Spirit of God and this is done in a normal way, without veneration, adoration nor elevation of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, we see there that the prophet did not speak to the Spirit of himself, but was commanded to do so... by God the Father.
3. Gal. 4:6, for example, shows us that the Spirit is called Jesus Christ: Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son (i.e. the Spirit of Jesus Christ) into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, Abba, Father!
4. See in particular Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
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